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205 Bargaining Negotiations 09.24.25 -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 32

Start Date: 09/24/2025
End Date:  09/25/2025
No. of Days: 2 Days
Course Level: Advanced
CEU Credits: 16.00
Class Time:  8am Central
Tuition: Member: $415.00 USD / Non-member: $575.00 USD

An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. Registrants may purchase class materials directly from our print partner. Visit their portal by clicking the link below to buy printed materials:


Tuition may be paid by check or Credit Card to the Chapter or IRWA Headquarters in US Dollars.

Sponsored By:  Chapter 32

Course Description: 205 Bargaining Negotiations

Angel Bailey, RWP started here career with Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division May 2001, after graduating from the University of Memphis with a BA in Marketing.  Angel entered the Right of Way profession in 2007, and I has a continuous hunger to learn more about the different sectors of right of way and how it affects our communities now and in the future.  As a Right of Way Agent, Angel researched property ownership via title search, did field checks, read and interpreted engineering drawings, coordinated with other departments, negotiate and acquired land rights by purchase and easement. Angel was later promoted to Land Right Specialist, where she trained and directed employees to perform title research, acquisitions, land rights, and negotiated easements.  Angel is currently the Property Management Specialist where she continues to train and draft property contracts, negotiate, investigate encroachments, review independent appraisals using market cost and income approach, identify and purchase and sell surplus land and land rights.
Newrow Virtual Classroom
Participant Capacity: 20
Start time:  8am Central

19210 South Vermont Avenue, Building A,Suite 100, Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone: (310) 538-0233 Fax: (310) 538-1471 Canadian Toll Free # 888-340-IRWA (4792)
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