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213 Conflict Management 05.09.25 -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 22)
Start Date: 5/9/2025
End Date: 5/9/2025
No. of Days: 1 day
Course Level: Core
CEU Credits: 8.00
Class Time: 8am Pacific
Tuition: $265.00 Member / $385.00 Non-Member
An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. If you would like to receive printed copies, please see the course registration page for details. Additional fees may apply.
Tuition may be paid by check or credit card to IRWA Headquarters in U.S. Dollars.
Sponsored By: Chapter 22
Course Description: 213 Conflict Management
Clyde B. Johnson, SR/WA, R/W-RAC, R/W-URAC received IRWA's Frank C. Balfour "Professional of the Year" award in 1994, the first "Instructor of the Year" award in 2011 and IRWA's, "Lifetime Achievement Award" in 2014. He is a veteran of the United States Air Force and retired from the Federal Highway Administration with over 30 years of service. He received his B.B.A. and M.B.A. degrees in Real Estate from Georgia State University and has been a member since 1978, an SR/WA since 1983. He was appointed as a Trustee of the Right of Way International Education Foundation in 2002 and Treasurer in 2008. He is a Certified CLIMB Instructor for the IRWA and a Certified Instructor for the National Highway Institute (NHI). He holds State of Georgia and North Carolina Real Estate Broker’s license.
Newrow Conference Call
Participant Capacity: 20
Start Time: 8am Pacific