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501 Residential Relocation Assistance 03.21.25 Salt Lake City, UT

Start Date: 3/21/2025
End Date: 3/22/2025
No. of Days: 2 days
Course Level: Intermediate
CEU Credits: 16.00

Class Time:  8am-5pm
Tuition: $315.00 Member / $520.00 Non-Member
Late registration fee of $25.00 applied on March 5, 2024. 

An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. If you would like to receive printed copies, please see the course registration page for details. Additional fees may apply.

Course materials options:
OPTION 1 - PDF of Materials (No printed materials) = $0
OPTION 2 - Black and White Materials = $30

Tuition may be paid by check or credit card to IRWA Headquarters in U.S. Dollars.

Sponsored By:  Chapter 38

Course Description: 501 Residential Relocation Assistance

Allen Armstrong, SR/WA: His professional background includes the appraisal and review of a variety of property types to be acquired through eminent domain. Mr. Armstrong has managed acquisition and relocation teams throughout the United States. Several large design build projects are included on the list of projects completed by Mr. Armstrong under Federal Aid guidelines. He has taught Appraisal Review at the FAA Academy and the Appraisal and Appraisal Review for Federal Aid Standards for the Federal Highway Administration throughout the United States. He is both a State Certified General Appraiser and Broker.
Brendy Carrington
Phone:  (801) 509-8421
US Bank Building 
170 South Main Street 
Suite 200 
Salt Lake City,UT 84101 
Phone:  (435) 255-8449 
Participant Capacity:  100

19210 South Vermont Avenue, Building A,Suite 100, Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone: (310) 538-0233 Fax: (310) 538-1471 Canadian Toll Free # 888-340-IRWA (4792)
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