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203 Alternative Dispute Resolution 05.19.25 -- Hanover, MD

Start Date: 5/19/2025
End Date: 5/20/2025
No. of Days: 2 days
Course Level: Intermediate
CEU Credits: 16.00
Class Time:  8am Pacific

Tuition: $415.00 - Member / $520.00 - Non-Member

An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. If you would like to receive printed copies, please see the course registration page for details. Additional fees may apply.


Tuition may be paid by credit card to IRWA Headquarters in U.S. Dollars.

Sponsored By:  Chapter 14

Course Description: 203 Alternative Dispute Resolution


George William Christian, Jr., SR/WA retired as the Director, Real Estate for Duke Energy in December 2016 after almost 39 years with the largest investor-owned electric utility in the country.   His team was responsible for the acquisition, management, and disposal of property and property rights (including all rights-of-way) for the franchised electric and gas business units in a seven-state area. These opportunities included nuclear, fossil, solar and wind generation sites as well as coal ash repositories, cell tower sites, substations, distribution centers, warehouses and major office needs. His team also negotiated, executed and managed all leases for corporate and business unit needs; land and/or buildings. Bill has a variety of experience within Duke Energy.  He began his career working in Customer Services and Billing.  He has also worked in Marketing and Distribution, holding many leadership positions and living in several S.C. and N.C. communities. He led the startup of a facility management effort eventually managing the Duke Power non-plant facilities in North Carolina prior to joining Real Estate Services. Bill holds the SR/WA professional designation from the International Right of Way Association and has held every officer position in Carolinas Chapter 31, including President and International Director.  Bill is also a qualified CLIMB instructor within the IRWA focusing on Property Management and Communication / Negotiating topics. He served on the International Professional Development Committee representing Region 6.  He now serves as a volunteer ethics officer.  Additionally, Bill has a B.S. degree in Accounting from Clemson University and MBA from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  He also holds a Certified Facility Manager (CFM) designation earned through the International Facility Management Association. He is a Licensed General Contractor in N.C. and Licensed Real Estate Broker in both N.C. and S.C.   
Tiare McCray
Phone:  (410) 212-2931

Maryland Department of Transportation -State Highway Administration
7450 Traffic Drive
Building #4 Training Rm 2-4
Hanover,MD 21076
Participant Capacity:  20
Start Time:  8am Eastern

19210 South Vermont Avenue, Building A,Suite 100, Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone: (310) 538-0233 Fax: (310) 538-1471 Canadian Toll Free # 888-340-IRWA (4792)
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