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Conference Wrap Up


Tips for Gaining Management Approval to Attend

In today’s economy, when uncertainty is all around us, the only sure thing is making yourself the most marketable person in your profession by attending professional events, staying current on trends, maintaining your certifications, and renewing your professional network.

Professionals who attend the IRWA Annual International Education Conference know they will discover the latest trends, professional development tools and strategic innovations that will give them and their organizations the edge they need over their competition.

This event is also where serious business connections are made and solutions for challenging times are discovered. When you attend this conference, you’ll be energized by the experience of networking with hundreds of right of way professionals.

You and your organization can’t afford to miss this event.

Experienced Speakers

Our speakers are top subject matter experts in their fields, not, "professional speakers" who speak at any event they can get a booking. Our presenters spend their time doing actual work, meaning that they have plenty of experiences to illustrate their topic.

The speakers have many years' experience from a wide range of projects. This brings a perspective that will be relevant to your business.

Experienced Audience

Our conference participants make up the unique body of knowledge that can only be accessed by attending the conference—hundreds of experienced right of way professionals gathering in one place and sharing experiences.  Discovering the lessons learned from countless other teams who have dealt with the problem you’re currently facing is one of the conference’s greatest benefits.

How do you convince management the importance of attending?

Create a Winning Proposal

You develop proposals everyday in your business, so why should it be any different when pitching your company on the benefits of attending the 2011 International Education Conference? Develop a formal proposal that includes the benefits of attending the event, your intended schedule of educational sessions, and why this information will be valuable to your operation. Be sure to describe how your attendance directly supports your organizational goals.

Communicate the Value

Communicate why it is important to attend the conference.  Professionals who are better prepared and better informed have the advantage – as do their organizations.

Here are just a few benefits of attending the conference:

·      1,000+ Right of Way professionals are anticipated to attend – This gathering of a unique body of knowledge guarantees your connecting with other professionals will benefit you and your organization.

·      Over 50 education sessions presented by seasoned subject matter experts in 12 disciplines; Asset Management, Environment, Ethics, International, Local Public Agencies, Pipeline, Professional Development, Relocation, Survey/Engineering, Transportation, Utilities and Valuation

·      Dedicated business networking events

·      Trade show with vendors offering the latest in Right of Way services

·      Learning excursions provide a street-level view of development projects in the Greater Atlanta

The Take Away

What you learn at the conference doesn’t stay at the conference.   Become a force for change in your organization by bringing the knowledge you gain at the conference home.  Make sure your management understands that your attendance at the 2011 IRWA Annual International Education Conference will benefit everyone in your organization. Strike an agreement to write up a brief synopsis of what you learn once you return from the conference. Then share this information with your company.

Take a moment and start formulating a proposal for attending the conference.  Using this page, write down all of the benefits you and your company will receive by attending the conference and make an appointment to discuss with your management today.