Please note: On May 3, 2024, the Federal Highway Administration published revisions to the Final Rule, amending the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA) regulations. IRWA is currently updating related course materials to reflect these changes. Meanwhile, please refer to the
Uniform Act Regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 — New Rule Fact Sheet, which includes Frequently Asked Questions and a high-level overview of the changes.
New Rule Fact Sheet Download
16 Easement Right of Way (ERW) Qualifying Education (QE) and Continuing Education (CE) Credits
TREC Approval #44797 -- Exp. 12/31/2026
16 Real Estate Continuing Education (CE) Credits
TREC Approval #43343 -- Exp. 04/30/2024
Attention Easement Right of Way (ERW) Agents:
IRWA is now approved as a Qualifying Education (QE) Provider for TREC-ERW. Please follow the guidelines below so you may be credited with the correct education credits.
For Agents who hold the ERW license:
After taking and passing the exam for either Course 100 or Course 803, please ask you course coordinator for the TREC-ERW roster. Complete and sign the roster, and then ask the course coordinator to forward it to Maggie Schedler at She will post this information to the TREC education posting website.
For future ERW agents:
After passing the QE course, please send a PDF copy of your IRWA course completion certificate to
Start Date: 9/23/2024
End Date: 9/24/2024
No. of Days: 2 days
Course Level: Core
CEU Credits: 8.00
Start Time: 8:00 AM Central
Tuition: $565.00 Member / $710.00
Tuition may be paid by check or credit card to IRWA Headquarters
in U.S. Dollars.
Sponsored By: Chapter 54
Description: 100 Principles of Land Acquisition
Gordon E MacNair, SR/WA, AACI, P.App, is a Senior Real Estate Infrastructure Advisor employed with MacNair Consulting Inc. He is the former Director of the Corporate Real Estate Office for the City of Ottawa where his team oversaw all real estate matters for infrastructure projects. In this capacity, Gord was also instrumental in developing and overseeing the Environmental Remediation unit. He is also a certified lecturer for the IRWA who has published numerous articles on infrastructure real estate and land assembly matters. Previously, Gord was employed with a major utility company where he was employed as a Project Supervisor responsible for acquiring right of way for major high voltage transmission projects. Gord served as the International President of the IRWA and is currently serving as the Chair of the International Relations Committee. Mr. MacNair has taught courses and seminars on infrastructure real estate (land assembly) throughout Canada and the United States as well as Australia, South Africa, and the UK.
Tracy Argitos
Newrow Virtual Classroom
Participant Capacity: 20
Start time: 8am Central