505 Advanced Residential Relocation Assistance 10.16.23 -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 36)
* PLEASE NOTE: To ensure proper registration credit, if registering for someone other than yourself, you MUST use their log in information.
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Course Registration Form (U.S.)
Course Registration Form (Canada)
Start Date: 10/16/2023
End Date: 10/16/2023
No. of Days: 1 day
Course Level: Advanced
CEU Credits: 8.00
Class Time: 8am Central
Tuition: $265.00 Member / $330.00 Non-Member
An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. If you would like to receive printed copies, please see the course registration page for details. Additional fees may apply.
Course materials options:
OPTION 1 - PDF of Materials (No printed materials) = $0
OPTION 2 - Black and White Materials = $30
OPTION 3 - Materials with Colored Pages = $80
Tuition may be paid by check or credit card to IRWA Headquarters in U.S. Dollars.
Sponsored By: Chapter 36
Course Description: 505 Advanced Residential Relocation Assistance
Kristen Short, SR/WA, R/W-RAC, is the President of Blackbird Right of Way LLC and the CEO of Pendulum Land Services, LLC. Kristen has built her career specializing in relocation assistance services and has completed over 1,000 relocations. Kristen was recently named the recipient of the 2021 Frank C. Balfour Award. Kristen is a CLIMB Certified Instructor of relocation assistance courses and was the recipient of the 2020 W. Howard Armstrong Instructor of the Year award. She has presented many relocation sessions at the IRWA annual conference, as well as at regional seminars and symposiums around the country. Kristen is also the Co-Host of the popular Infrastructure Junkies! podcast, exploring right of way, eminent domain, and infrastructure development.
Juan Salazar, R/W-NAC, R/W-RAC
Phone: (682)701-6642
Email: jsalazar@pinnaclegroup.biz
Newrow Conference Call
Participant Capacity: 20
Start Time: 8am Central