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600 Environmental Awareness 12.06.23 Madison, WI

Start Date:  12/6/2023
End Date:  12/6/2023
No. of Days:  1 day
Course Level:  Core
CEU Credits:  8.00
Class Time:  8am-5pm 
Tuition:  $265.00 Member / $330.00 Non-Member
Late registration fee of $25.00 applied on November 22, 2023. 
An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. If you would like to receive printed copies, please see the course registration page for details. Additional fees may apply.
Course materials options:
OPTION 1 - PDF of Materials (No printed materials) = $0
OPTION 2 - Black and White Materials = $30
Tuition may be paid by check or credit card to IRWA Headquarters in U.S. Dollars.

Sponsored By:  Chapter 27

Course Description:  600 Environmental Awareness

Marian Barnes, MAI, SR/WA
worked for 20 years identifying, investigating, and cleaning up contaminated sites before changing her profession to appraising. Her specialty was hazardous waste regulation that provided her the opportunity to work at refineries, metal working shops, regional landfills, and chemical manufacturers. She provided internal training and client seminars on hazardous waste regulations. While most of her work was in the upper Midwest, she consulted nationally and did a stint as a field geologist in Belgium and Luxemburg. She served as a Teaching Assistant while earning her masters in geology/hydrogeology. For the last ten years she has appraised for public works projects and right of way. Appraisals are often in rural areas and include avigation easements, transmission line easements, rail-trail corridor property, and transportation acquisitions. She has presented her science-based appraisal studies to the IRWA Badger Chapter 17, Region 5 Forum, International Education Conference, and the Wisconsin chapter of the Appraisal Institute. She has published two articles in the Right of Way magazine and completed a five-year leadership tract with the Wisconsin IRWA chapter. MJBarnes & Associates, LLC, real estate appraisal and consulting, otherwise occupies her time.
Rebekah Borges
Phone:  (608) 826-6125
The Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club
One West Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53703
Phone:  (608) 257-6000
Fax:  (608) 257-8485
Participant Capacity:  30 
The Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor's Club
One West Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53703
Phone:  (608) 257-6000
Fax:  (608) 257-8485
Rate:  $90 plus tax per night
Call to make reservations and mention IRWA or use this link:

19210 South Vermont Avenue, Building A,Suite 100, Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone: (310) 538-0233 Fax: (310) 538-1471 Canadian Toll Free # 888-340-IRWA (4792)
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