Introduction to the Income Capitalization Approach

402 – Introduction to the Income Capitalization Approach: An introduction to the direct/income capitalization approach to appraisal, and how to apply the approach in a variety of situations, through a combination of presentation, discussion, examples, exercises and case studies.

Course Number:


Course Title:

Introduction to the Income Capitalization Approach

Course Level:


Course Length:

1 day – 8 AM to 5 PM

IRWA Credits:


AQB Credits:

The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) has reviewed and approved this course for the following: 7 hours CE through 05/01/2025. Approval # 56226


Not applicable



Course Description

This course introduces the income capitalization approach, which is a method of evaluating an investment by estimating future cash flows and taking into consideration the time value of money. This approach is presented in a concise, easy-to-understand format, and combines lecture, case studies and exercises to teach participants how to apply income capitalization in a variety of situations. 
  • Specialist: A beginning level elective course that can be applied towards the R/W-AC certification.
  • The relationship between the Valuation Process and the Income Capitalization Approach
  • The applicability and reliability of the approach
  • The characteristics of Direct and Yield Capitalization
  • The components of Direct Capitalization (determining gross income, estimating vacancy and credit loss, calculating effective gross income, estimating expense and estimating value)
  • Capitalization Rate Development
  • Determining Just Compensation

Course Tuition includes

  • Participant Manual
Required Material
  • Financial calculator 

Who should take this course

This course is designed for right of way professionals who are in the appraisal field.
Register for this class today

Classroom Based Education

Online Education

19210 South Vermont Avenue, Building A,Suite 100, Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone: (310) 538-0233 Fax: (310) 538-1471 Canadian Toll Free # 888-340-IRWA (4792)
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