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431 Problems in the Valuation of Partial Acquisitions 04.08.25 -- San Antonio,TX (CH. 39) -- CANCELLED
Start Date: 4/8/2025
End Date: 4/8/2025
No. of Days: 1 day
Course Level: Intermediate
CEU Credits: 8.00
Class Time: 8am Central
Tuition: $265.00 Member / $385.00 Non-Member
An electronic copy of your course material will be added to your IRWA Account once your registration is completed. If you would like to receive printed copies, please see the course registration page for details. Additional fees may apply.
Tuition may be paid by check or credit card to IRWA Headquarters in U.S. Dollars.
Sponsored By: CH. 39
Course Description: 431 Problems in the Valuation of Partial Acquisitions
Christina H. Thoreson, SR/WA, MAI Christina has worked in the appraisal industry since 1986. She has earned the SR/WA from the International Right of Way Association and the MAI, SRA, and AI-GRS designations from the Appraisal Institute. Her valuation practice has focused on eminent domain since 1990, with almost three years experience internally at the Tennessee Department of Transportation as a review appraiser. She has more than 28 years experience appraising for acquisition and negotiation purposes and has been reviewing appraisals, primarily for eminent domain, since 2009. Additionally, her experiences teaching both real estate brokerage and valuation, specifically for the IR/WA as a CLIMB certified instructor, and operating a real estate brokerages for over six years provides depth to her understanding of markets. She holds the CDEI designation and is an AQB Certified USPAP Instructor. She appraises property rights and reviews appraisals for non-profits, local governments, state agencies, private individuals, and corporations.
613 NW Loop 410 Suite 700 San Antonio, TX 78216 Phone: (210) 844-9961
Start Time: 8am Central SUGGESTED ACCOMMODATIONS: 611 NW Loop 410 San Antonio,TX 78216 Phone: (210) 340-6060